Passage to Womanhood: Historical Fiction and Coming of Age Themes in Juvenile Literature

Historical Fiction: Reshaping Our Past Through Stories Untold
Stories provide a way for us to understand and share our experiences. This is especially true of young people. The stories young people read and hear help them shape their relationships and understand their world.
I have created a series of historical fiction called Passage to Womanhood. The goal of the series is to introduce readers to the coming of age experiences of girls growing up in different eras of American history. In the process, I expose them to the history they don't experience in text books.
Of course the most important goal of the series is to provide young readers with a means of handling their own coming of age issues.
Passage to Womanhood: Journey Home is the first novel in the series. You can read more about it by visiting the My Works section of my website. Read more about me in the Biography section.
Thanks for visiting my website. Happy Reading!
Using Historical Fiction in a Core Curriculum
Workshops with Adult Audiences
In my workshops with adult audiences, I demonstrate techniques of using historical fiction to help young people understand their personal issues as they learn history in an enjoyable context. I also offer tips on designing classroom activities, and I introduce some basic methods of selecting historical fiction for young readers.
Workshops with Student Audiences
With student audiences, I engage young people in creating timelines for a particular era in history. I help them experiment with role-playing, journal writing, proverbs, timelines and character development. Eventually these techniques enable young people to make connections between the past and the present.
Middle school and high school teachers contact me to conduct classroom presentations or workshops, and to meet with faculty on curriculum development.
I am also available for Black History Month and Women's History Month presentations.
I hope you enjoy your visit to my website!
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